[email protected] Stephenville Crossing, NL +1 709-641-0800

We've learned to be self-sufficient and live harmoniously with nature. Enjoy some of our knowledge and tips!


Living Well: How-To's, Recipes, and Wellness Tips

<p>From cutting and salting moose to making Chaga tea.  Everything you need to know about traditional Newfoundland methods</p>

How To's

From cutting and salting moose to making Chaga tea.  Everything you need to know about traditional Newfoundland methods

<p>While it’s always fun to find and identify wild edible or medicinal plants, it can be just as fun building a relationship with them by consuming it through these great recipes.<br />>> <a href="https://newfoundlandnaturals.ca/recipes/">Find out more</a></p>


While it’s always fun to find and identify wild edible or medicinal plants, it can be just as fun building a relationship with them by consuming it through these great recipes.
>> Find out more

<p>Body~Mind~Spirit A holistic approach to well-being that involves bringing these three aspects of the self into balance to create harmony and health.</p>

Living Well

Body~Mind~Spirit A holistic approach to well-being that involves bringing these three aspects of the self into balance to create harmony and health.

Tips and How - To's

We’ve learned to be self-sufficient and live harmoniously with nature. Enjoy some of our knowledge and tips!

Friends of Newfoundland Naturals